Online megvásárolható magazinok
87. szám megjelenés
A Kineziológia magazin évi 6 alkalommal megjelenő folyóirat. A Magazin nem csak a szakembereknek szól, hanem bárkinek, aki érdeklődik a lélek dolgai iránt, aki kíváncsi arra, miért is vagyunk olyanok, amilyenek vagyunk.
Publikálási lehetőséget nyújtunk a szakma kiválóságainak, de ugyanígy lehetőséget adunk a kezdő kineziológusoknak is arra, hogy leírják tapasztalataikat, gondolataikat. A természetgyógyászat, a pszichológia, a filozófia köréből, az ezotéria hiteles művelőinek tollából szintén közlünk tanulmányokat, cikkeket. Interjúink bemutatják azokat, akik valóban mesterei hivatásuknak, akiknek szavai lelkünkhöz szólnak.
Fontos célunk a kineziológia presztízsének és ismertségének további növelése, mindez a legmagasabb szakmai és esztétikai színvonalon.
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Avoid These Mistakes When Designing Your Board Meeting Agenda
An agenda that is well-designed for board meetings is a must-have tool for effective meetings. However, a simple agenda will not guarantee productive discussions or decisions. To achieve the desired outcomes board members must be aware mistakes that hinder the effectiveness of meetings, and take the necessary steps to avoid them. A lot of topics […]
Operational and Strategic Management Tasks
A company is only able to operate efficiently by ensuring that the day-today activities are in line with the overall goals of the company. Operational management focuses on how the company can get its work done, whereas strategic management establishes long-term goals. Professionals from a variety of fields need to know the distinction between these […]
Board Meeting Facts
Board Meetings Facts: Contrary to popular belief your board of directors does not make the majority of decisions for your company. Although they might have some authority in a few areas of high impact (in the case of a venture-backed business the decisions are usually described in the governing documents and investment documents) The majority […]
Secure Exchange of Information
Secure information exchange is a crucial element of any company or business. From encrypted email transmissions to document sharing portals, the safe transfer of data is essential to ensure privacy and compliance with the regulations. The financial sector is among the industries that requires secure exchange of information. Information exchanged in the financial sector is […]
Board Software and VDR Programs
Board software and vdr programs aid businesses in improving governance through digitization and a more efficient managing meetings. They can reduce costs for meetings, improve communication, and give greater transparency to investors and stakeholders. There are a variety of software programs available, so picking the most effective one is difficult. This article will review some […]
How to Compare VDR Providers
When deciding on the right VDR provider, it’s crucial to first determine the primary reason for use. If you’re required to share large volumes of sensitive documents as part of a merger or acquisition, for example you should ensure that the platform supports strict permissions and a detailed auditing and tracking. It is also […]